Green Packaging
Stop to think, how much plastic do you see? There are probably more than three products that are or contain plastic around you. It doesn't just happen to you, in fact, did you know that we consume approximately 2,000 small pieces of plastic per person per week?
From clothing, personal hygiene, utensils that make our lives easier... We cannot eliminate plastic from our lives, but we can reduce it so that the impact on the environment is minimal. It is also our responsibility.
It is useless for us to tell you that we are sustainable and that we show you our values if when you receive your order, we deliver it to you in a common plastic bag, don't you think? That is why we have designed our packaging so that it is in line with what awaits you inside.
At Capitán Denim we are very aware that everything we recycle today will be positive for the future. For this reason, all our packaging has been elaborated in a responsible and conscious way.
They have the FSC certificate, which guarantees that they come from sustainable forests.
In addition, we are committed to reuse, so if you need to make a change or a return, you can send it back to us in the same envelope. If you open it carefully along the die-cut line, you will see that there is another self-adhesive strip to close the package again. You can even use it to send anything else or simply to put your creativity into practice (we have seen that more than one is talented). As it is a recyclable envelope, when you are no longer going to use it, remember to deposit it in the blue container.
We take care of our environment, starting with the work of small details, such as our labels. The first one you will see when you open the package is made with parchment paper; the second has a very special value and is that it is made from chamomile seeds. If you plant it, follow the advice on it, and give it lots of love, you'll have a chamomile plant!

Our goal is to eliminate all unnecessary plastic and non-recyclable materials in everything that surrounds us and thus be able to contribute another small grain of sand to improve the planet.